The new 2015 model of the Mitre Maker Spline jig now comes with a spare set of fences and a clamp.
The Mitre Maker Spline Jig was created to help cut slots for splines using a table-mounted router. It is particularly useful for reinforcing mitre joints in projects that can’t use a strong, interlocking mitre joint. Our take on the spline jig for a router table is similar to jigs you may have used on a table saw, but with a few added features including:
• Removable and replaceable workpiece support pieces meaning you don’t have to rebuild your jig when you change cutters or move your slots;
• In-built aluminium fences and a clamp that can be used to clamp your workpiece in position when using the jig without the removable fences for extra security and versatility; and
• The ability to cut through, hidden, multiple or dovetail spline slots.
The Spline Jig can be used in the flat or upright position and must be used in conjunction with a router table fence.
The User Manual for the Spline Jig can be downloaded here